International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM)The International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM) leads the development of the highest quality of emergency medical care for all people. Our mission is to advance the growth of high quality emergency medical care through education and standards, to lead the collaboration and networking necessary to establish universal equality in service and care, and to promote the creation and growth of the specialty of emergency medicine in every country.
World Academic Council for Emergency MedicineIn 2014 it was decided by all Academicians from around the world that the INDUSEM Annual Academic Congress will be renamed as the World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine (WACEM Congress) and a new Academic Organization called The World Academic Council for Emergency Medicine would be founded.
World Association for Disaster and Emergency MedicineWADEM was originally founded as the Club of Mainz on 2 October 1976 with the goal of improving the worldwide delivery of prehospital and emergency care during every day and mass disaster emergencies. The founding members were renowned researchers, practitioners and teachers of acute care medicine, who joined together to focus their energies on the scientific, educational, and clinical aspects of immediate care. Following the constant development of its scope and extension worldwide, and to better reflect its nature, the organization’s name was changed to the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine. The mission of WADEM is the evidence-based improvement, education, and advocacy of emergency and disaster health care and disaster risk reduction.
African Federation for Emergency Medicine The African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM) was founded to develop and advance emergency care in Africa, and represents a board coalition of national societies, Organizations, and individuals from over 40 Countries. AFEM is dedicated to addressing the need for emergency care systems development and training in Africa, and has a strong history of successfully completing large projects. AFEM has set a scientific agenda designed to increase the capacity of front line providers by offering open-access emergency care training curricula for nurses, midlevel providers and specialists and by publishing the AFEM Handbook of Acute and Emergency Care.